Friday, March 28, 2008

My bedroom :: Mi cuarto

Here are some pictures of my bedroom, it is pretty simple still, but Mom and Dad hope to put a shelf on one of the walls and I am sure then I will start filling it up with things!! I also have a lovely doll at the entrance door with my name on it... so for sure people will know which one is my bedroom! It was a present from my little friend Fereshte!! :) Thanks.


Aqui van algunas fotos de mi cuarto, es bastante simple, pero mis papis quieren poner un estante en una de las paredes y luego de seguro lo comenzare a llenar de cosas!! Tambien podran ver la linda muñeca que tengo en la puerta de entrada, con mi nombre encima, asi la gente sabe donde queda mi cuarto! Fue un regalo de mi amiguita Fereshte!! :) Gracias.

Petita :: Ladybug

Can you find the ladybug?? :: ¿Puedes encontrar a la petita? :)

Play time :: Tiempo para jugar

These days I enjoy play time a lot, anything is really interesting to me and I am curious with all the gadgets, of course things I shouldn't grab are the ones I hunt for, and sometimes I am able to explore them with my hands, I still can't understand why when I try to taste them ... they take them away from me!!! :)


Estos dias disfruto mucho jugar, todo me parece interesante y me intrigan todos los aparatitos, claro, aquellas cosas que no deberia tocar son las que mas me interesan y a veces me permiten explorarlas con las manos, pero no entiendo aun porque no me dejan probarlas y siempre me las quitan de las manos!!! :P

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Grandma & Aunt Ruhiyyih's visit

Yes! I was visited by Grandma and Aunt Ruhiyyih, who just left today. We celebrated Naw Ruz together and they helped my Dad fix a bedroom downstairs, which my Aunt will move to during the fall, and I am very excited to know that I will have her near to play with... also Uncle Daniel came, but we didn't take much pictures of ourselves, so here are a couple Mom found for my blog.

While they were here we had walks with Grandma and we practice a lot my "crawling" because before they came I started trying to lounge myself, and mostly now I go backwards... well, I will have to continue practicing, because I am still doing that. That is quite frustrating!!

Also these days I've been quite crabby, my front teeth are cutting through, and yesterday finally one is out, so any time now the other one will do so too. I will send pictures soon, right now I am very sensitive if anyone wants to touch my lips... ask my Mommy! ;)


La version en español tardara un poquito ;)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Les deseo desde aqui a todos los padres bolivianos, en especial a mi abuelito Sia y claro, a mi Papito tambien! :)

:: Today is Father's Day in Bolivia ::

Friday, March 14, 2008


Hoy estrene unos polquitos que me envio mi tia abuela Estercita, ella los hizo especialmente para mi y estan preciosos!! Y luego fuimos de compras con mis papis, asi que me puse mis zapatitos que me regalo la Sra. Nahid en Canada... finalmente me hicieron!!


Today I wore some little socks and mittens that my great Aunt Estercita sent me from Bolivia. She made them especially for me and they are lovely!! Later in the day we went shopping with my parents, so I wore the little shoes Nahid Khanum gave me while in Canada... finally they fit me!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

:) :) :)

Well, finally got a chance to sit here with Mom and update my blog! We went to the doctor's office last Tuesday and I have grown quite a bit: I am 27 inches tall and more than 19 pounds.. actually I was moving and trying to stand, so the nurse couldn't get the ounces right, hehe... they should know better and be faster, right?! Here are some pictures of these days, playing and getting better with my hands, I can pass toys from one to another and also I've learned to pinch, so watch out!! Uncle Daniel gave me this little cow friend and Mom thought I would like to have some photos taken with it... I was okay, but really didn't like the hat :P

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Hoy cumplo seis meses -pues febrero solo tiene 29 dias este año! :)
Ya como comidita, pero dicen que soy mañosa .. es que realmente la leche de mi Mami sabe mejor! ;) Tengo cuatro dientecitos y el 4 estare visitando a mi doctora para ver como estoy. Lastimosamente hace unos dias atras me enferme, pero solo me duro unos pocos dias, creo que me dio el "flu" un tipo de influenza, como a mi Papi, pero ya estamos los dos bien y de vuelta a nuestros quehaceres: mi Papi al trabajo y yo a jugar!!


Today I am six months -well, February only has 29 days this year! ;)
I am eating solids now, although they say I am kind of lazy .. I really think my Mom's milk taste better! :P I have four teeth and next 4th I will be visiting my doctor to check how I am doing. Unfortunatelly few days ago I got sick but I was down only for few days, I think I got the flu, like my Dad, but we are both fine and back to our routine, my Dad is at work and I am playing!!