Monday, October 20, 2008


Today the Birth of the Bab is celebrated around the world! I went last night to celebrate it with my Mom & Dad and the Baha'i Community here in Cedar Rapids, my friend Bera was there and many adult friends! Today we went to pick apples from our neighbors and here are few pictures of me :)


Hoy se celebra el Nacimiento del Bab en muchas partes del mundo! Yo fui anoche a celebrarlo con mi Mami & Papi y la comunidad Baha'i en Cedar Rapids, mi amiguita Bera estaba alli, al igual que muchos de mis amigos que ya son mayores! Hoy fuimos al jardin de mis vecinos para recoger manzanas y aqui van algunas fotos mias :)


Now here we are outside, Mom behid the camera and Aunt Ruhiyyih helping me smile and reach for apples! :: Aqui estamos afuera, mi Mami detras de la camara y tia Ruhiyyih me esta ayudando a sonreir y a alcanzar manzanas!!

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