Monday, March 9, 2009

Springtime :: Primavera

La primavera ya se puede oler cerca, hemos tenido un par de dias calientitos y ya se siente que viene!! :) Mi Mami planto bulbos el otoño pasado y ya los estamos viendo salir... y yo le ayudo a cuidarlos! Hoy fuimos a dar una vuelta caminando por el vecindario y Karen, amiga de mis papis, se nos unio al grupo. Fuimos al parque y nos divertimos mucho!!


Springtime is very near now, we had few warm days now and we can feel spring is coming!! :) My Mom planted few bulbs last fall and now they are coming up.. and I help her taking care of them!! Today we went for a walk in the neighborhood and Karen, my parents'friend, joined us for it. We went to the park and had a great time!!

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