Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Naw Ruz!

Hi! Happy Naw Ruz everyone!! I loved celebrating Naw Ruz this year, we had a party in Cedar Rapids and we each took something for the potluck dinner. At home my Mom made a cake for the party, and I got to help her decorating it with butterflies!!! After placing them, then I wanted to remove them, and finally I understood that they had to stay on the cake until it was time to cut the cake!! :) At the party we all ate and danced, it was so much fun we forgot to take more than these few pictures.. but anyways, here they go!


Hola! Feliz Naw Ruz a todos!! Me encanto celebrar Naw Ruz este año pues tuvimos una fiesta aqui en Cedar Rapids donde todos llevaron algo para compartir en la cena. Mi Mami hizo una torta para la fiesta y YO ayude a decorarla con mariposas!!! Despues de poner las mariposas yo quise quitarlas, pero despues de muchas explicaciones finalmente entendi que las mariposas tenian que quedarse sobre la torta hasta que sea el momento de cortar la torta!! :) En la fiesta la pasamos bien comiendo y bailando, fue tan lindo todo que nos olvidamos de tomar fotos, solo sacamos algunas y aqui van para que tengan una idea!

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