Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A week of gardening :: Una semana de jardineria

La semana pasada mi Mami y yo la pasamos casi todos los dias afuera por todo el dia trabajando en nuestro jardin, y cuando mi Papi venia a la casa, una vez terminabamos la cena, saliamos con el tambien a seguir trabajando en el jardin!! :) El año pasado mi Mami planto varios bulbos, asi que los hemos estado cuidando y ahora estan en flor, ademas habiamos plantado arboles frutales (manzanas y cherries) y ahora estan comenzando a tener botones por donde las saldra las hojitas!! Nuestras frutillas estan bien grandes, yo ayude a mi Mami a limpiar las hojas secas que estaban protegiendolas del frio y la nieve, ademas entre los tres trabajamos en limpiar y aflojar la tierra, donde plantamos espinacas, lechuga, nabos, arvejas, zanahorias y donde plantaremos mas en unas semanas mas! Me encanta estar afuera, y me encanta el jardin tambien, se que esta semana estaremos afuera desde mañana, pues ha estado frio y ventoso ultimamente, pero desde mañana estare correteando en mi jardin de nuevo!!!

Las week Mom & I spent it almost all day everyday outside, we were working in our garden, and when Daddy would come home he also would join us after we all had dinner! :) Last year mi Mom planted some bulbs, and now we are seeing them bloom and we are taking care of them, as well as our fruit trees (apples and cherry bushes) which have started to bud for leaves!! Our strawberries are also growing, I helped Mommy to clean the dry leaves that were protecting them from the cold and snow of the winter, and all three of us we cleaned and tilt, and prepared the ground, and planted spinach, lettuce, rutabaga, kohlrabi, peas, carrots, and soon we will plant more! I love outside, and I especially love the garden, I know this week we will be out again from tomorrow, since it has been cold and windy lately, but from tomorrow I will be working in my garden again!!!

Oh! Y mi parte FAVORITA es darle AGUA a las plantas!!!! :D
Oh! And my FAVORITE part is watering, giving AGUA, to the plants!!!! :P

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