Last weekend we celebrated my birthday - yup! an early celebration!! Next weekend we are busy, the following one we all go to Green Lake Conference, then in September we didn't know when my parents will have a weekend free, pluuuus, Grandma Nancy was here this past weekend, so it was perfect time to celebrate it!!! And I loved it! My friends Layli and Rumi came from Madison, and friends from here also came, Willem, Luz, Emanuel, Josue, Alma, older friends like Mary, Hannah, Karen, Jan and so on. We had face painting, although we also had our arms or hands painted, we had lunch together and then cake. Layli and Rumi stay longer with Layli's parents, Lua & Hadi, and we enjoyed their dog Willow... I played with all of them, and I really tried to behave, since I still out of emotions and love bite from time to time.. oops!
El pasado fin de semana celebramos mi cumpleaños, siip! una fiesta adelantada!! El siguiente fin de semana estaremos ocupados, y el proximo vamos a una conferencia en Green Lake, luego en septiembre no sabiamos cuando mis papis tendran un fin de semana libre y como la Abuelita Nancy estaba este fin de semana con nosotros, decidimos celebrarlo entonces. Me encanto mi fiesta! Mis amiguitas Layli y Rumi vinieron de Madison, y mis amigos de aqui tambien vinieron: Willem, Luz, Emanuel, Josue, Alma y amigos adultos como Mary, Hannah, Karen, Jan y asi. Nos divertimos pintandonos las caras, tambien las manos y brazos, comimos un rico almuerzo y luego torta. Layli y Rumi se quedaron mas largo con los papis de Layli, Lua & Hadi, y todos jugamos con su perro Willow... y yo jugue con todos ellos, tratando de ser una buena niña, ya que de a ratos de felicidad y amor se me ocurre morderles... oh oh!
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