Monday, October 8, 2007

Camp :: Campamento

El sabado fuimos a un parque y nos encontramos con que en el parque habia un campamento... pero el campamento es como lo era en el tiempo de la conquista de norteamerica, asi que los que acampaban estaban vestidos de indios o de ingleses, vivian en tiendas o carpas y tenian que hacer sus propias comidas a la leña. Tenian artesanias y juegos, uno podia usar el arco para darle al blanco, y lo mejor de todo es que habian muchos niños. Mis papis me dieron un tour por el campamento y luego nos fuimos a sentarnos a la orilla del rio, el dia era bellisimo, con sol y una brisa calientita, asi que mientras mi Papi armaba una caja de baterias, mi Mami y yo jugamos sobre la grama!! A proposito, veran una foto donde muestra como he comenzado a hacer burbujas con mi boquita! Y es un arte que ya lo estoy masterando ;)


Last Saturday we went to a park and found that at this park there was a camp... it was a settlers' camp though, so people were dressed as indians or settlers, living in tents or tipis, and they had to prepare their own food outdoors. They had crafts and games, one could try the bow & arrow, and the best of all is all the kids that were running around! My parents gave me a tour through the camp and then we went to sit by the river, the day was beautiful, sunny and with a warm breeze. So while my Dad was making a box for a battery, my Mom and I played on the grass!! Actually, you may see a picture here of me making bubbles with my mouth! It is an art that I am already mastering ;)

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