Monday, October 15, 2007

My first trip :: Mi primer viaje

This last weekend I went to Madison, WI with my parents. It was my first trip outside Iowa and we went to visit dear friends, and for me to meet them, who actually were many people!!!! I met grown-ups but also little people like me: Rumi, Naomi, Naim, and Shawn. Here are few pictures... the little one in some of them is Rumi, with whom I went for a pumpkin patch and apple picking afternoon! :)


Este pasado fin de semana fui de visita a Madison, Wisconsin junto a mis padres. Fue mi primer viaje afuera de Iowa y fuimos a ver a nuestros queridos amigos alli, para que asi los conozca y vaya que eran muchos!!! Conoci a grandes y tambien gente pequeñita como yo: Rumi, Naomi, Naim y Shawn. Aqui pueden ver algunas fotos, la chiquitita en algunas de ellas es Rumi, con quien fui a cosechar manzanas y calabazas por la tarde! :)


Nancy said...

Oh my goodness, Rumi is so big!!!! And Bahia is filling up her suits and looking very intently at people!! I can hardly wait to see her and both of you again!!

Unknown said...

Bahia estas preciosa!!!!, ojala que pronto podamos tenerte en nuestros brazos tambien!!!!
Leila, Nurí Felicidades los tres se ven muy felices.
Un gran abrazo para los tres
Fabi, Javi, Lauri y Francisco