Sunday, January 27, 2008

Layli Yaganagi

Mi amiguita Layli esta aqui! Nacio el miercoles 23 y fuimos con mis papis a visitarla hoy. Sus papis de ella estan felices, tambien sus tios y abuelitos estaban visitandola en su casa cuando llegamos y fue lindo ver a mi amiguita Rumi, quien esta ya super grande, caminando y hasta jugo conmigo con sus juguetes!!

Aqui va una foto mia en el comienzo del viaje y una foto de mi amiguita con sus padres de cuando ella nacio, asi que esta foto es en el hospital.


Mi little friend Layli is here! She was born on Wednesday 23rd and today we went to visit her. Her parents are very happy, also her uncles and grandparents who were visiting her when we arrived, so it was very good to see my friend Rumi, who is really big now, walking and she even played and shared toys with me!!

Here is a picture of me in the car leaving home and a picture of little Layli with her parents on her birth, so this picture was taken in the hospital.

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