Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mi Abuelita Carmen

Pues llego la hora de despedir a mi Abuelita Carmen, quien vino despues de la boda de mi Tia Nahid a esperar que viniera a este mundo y ayudar a mi Mami en todo, para que asi ella y mi Papi me pudieran disfrutar! Vamos a extrañarla mucho, se va este sabado, pero ojala pronto vayamos a visitarla y a conocer a toda mi familia en Bolivia. Aqui van fotos de hoy con ella, aprovechando el solcito que hay afuera.


Well, time came to farewell my Grandma Carmen who came after my Auntie Nahid's wedding to wait for my arrival to this world and to help my Mom with everything, so she and my Dad had time to enjoy me! We will surely miss her, she leaves on Saturday, but hopefully soon we will go to visit her and to meet all my family in Bolivia. Here are some pictures with her today, taking advantage of the outside sun.

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